BMXFU DIY by Chris Cadot

BMXFU DIY by Chris Cadot

When BMXFU’s DIY bridge spot was shut down, it didn’t take long for them to begin working on Knife Spot. There’s something awesome about a DIY spot that’s hard to put to words. Chris Cadot puts knife spot in pictures while Greg Henry and Kenny Oliver give their opinions on the matter. What makes a DIY spot better then a skatepark?

  • "Hard question because at the end of the day they are the same thing. A place made to ride skateboards and BMX. That being said, anyone who has spent time at both kinds of places knows there is something special about a good DIY spot. DIY's are true labor of passion. A good DIY spot is a symbol of blood, sweat and money donated by passionate people. More so then anything a good DIY is a symbol of a community. A community of like minded, passionate individuals with a common goal." - Greg Henry
  • "For myself a DIY spot isn't really more special to me than a skatepark. The special thing to me is the time I get to spend riding with my friends. I've always been in to all aspects of building; so I would have to say that is my favourite part about having a DIY spot. I get just as much out of building the spot as I do riding it." - Kenny Oliver
  • K-man slingin em
  • Kenny - Ice
  • Lee - downside ice