Setups – DWOK/Mason Gray

Setups – DWOK/Mason Gray


What’s the full DWOK camera setup?

I’m using the good old Sony Vx2100, got a mk1 Death Lens and a random light my brother Owen & Dad hooked up, thanks for dat guys. I have a old Minolta x-7a I use to shoot photos with, it hasn’t been touched in a minute though. Gonna try to get out more with that, film photos are tight. 

Why SD over HD?

Just has a classic feel, you can’t beat the warmth & colours that a VX brings. Ask any of the homies, I fucking love vx colours haha. HD can look good but I don’t ever wanna fuck with it, maybe second angles in 4:3 if I gotta but it’s just not my cup of tea. Charliecrum, Tommy Blanco & The 90east dudes make it look good though,  just to name a few off the top of my head. 

Who are the main DWOK filmers or does everyone spend time behind the lens?

We’re pretty lucky that we have 3 dudes who own cameras. Dallas Davis, myself & Jack Leonard all have an SD setup. Jack moved away to Oshawa so Dallas and I have been holding it down lately. Eli can definitely handle himself behind a camera too, which helps out a ton. Dallas also carries around his HD picture device and holds down the photos along with the homies Mitch Oud & Parker. 

What are you guys currently working on and when will it be dropping?

We’ve been steadily filming for a second full-length since the Mixtape dropped last spring, and we’re trying to make it something we’re all satisfied with. There isn’t really a due date for that yet, but we’re gonna have a pretty lengthy promo dropping sometime soon. 

Any new guys who really stepped up for this one?

Dallas Davis. Dude is stupid good, he can do everything he can do regular just as good as he can switch, and it’s usually first try. His footage in the promo is about to drop some fuckin’ jaws. 
Tyler Maass too, he’s been the homie forever. Eli & him lived together at the first DWOK house & he was a crazy good, sponsored Downhill Mountainbike racer at the time. One day we were all hanging out & his bike got stolen in true Houdini fashion, so Eli & some of the other dudes set up him with a BMX and he’s been doing the craziest shit ever since. He has so much drive to jump off crazy shit and go the speed of light at it, I seriously don’t get it. Moshi kills it. 

How many roofs did Eli climb this summer?

I honestly couldn’t give you a number, that boy has a death wish. I usually hate filming with Eli because it’s usually something fucked, with a high chance of him splatting on the pavement. He tried 14 times to do something on a setup you actually couldn’t pay me to straight ride off once. He took out 3 of our front wheels too in the process. His footage is gonna blow minds, Eli is seriously on another level. 

Any tips for up an coming filmers/pole jammers?  

Watch good videos to understand how good filming looks, and just get out with your homies and try it out, shitty filming is sometimes tight.   No advice for polejams though, just eat shit repeatedly until you figure it out hahah. 