Hey Matt! Thanks for taking the time to do this. I wanted to reach out and get some more info on the full-length vid you have coming out soon, “Comeshine.” The promo looked crazy so I can’t wait for the video. How long have you been working on this project?

Yo thank you guys. I was hyped when you hit me up about doing an interview. That’s what’s going to get this thing off the ground! I’ll start from the beginning. It’s February 2019 and I had just packed up my life in Winnipeg and moved to  Vancouver to start that west coast life. Hahaha! When I got here I felt pretty blessed cuz I had come from like -40 and it was +4 here. So I got right to work! I think Ky Brisebois (Breezy Boy) hit me up to come ride and introduced me to everyone in the scene like Lynden Chartrand (Rez Ron), DMO, Shelby Hare, Tristan Sweet, JD, Drew Morton, Nick Halisheff, Alex Jo, Jay Park, Riley Abramyk,  the AV crew dudes, and the Aussie homie Jake Mallichan. I guess I hit it off with everyone pretty fast and got hooked up with THEM and bought D-Mo’s old DVX-100B off him. That whole year we all rode together and filmed stuff for the video series, “ONE OF THEM.” In the process of filming for those videos, I was saving the clips of the additional riders who were out with us in those sessions. I really didn’t have a clue what I was going to do with the clips. So to answer your question, I guess I’ve been filming for about three years. 

Matt Perrin. Photo by Taylor Stos

How did you come up with the name, COMESHINE? Any special significance to it?

My homie Jake AKA @cumshine and I were kinda filming stuff for his own solo edit before he had to move back to Australia in the fall of 2019. We filmed a lot of iPhone clips and a select few super dope clips on the DVX. By the time he had to move, it just didn’t feel complete. I didn’t really wanna mix HD iPhone clips with crispy golden SD footy. I sat on his clips thinking I’d just make a mixtape style edit with some other footage I had with Drew, Ky, JD, and myself. I don’t know who’s idea it was to actually call the video COMESHINE, but it was just fitting since it started as a project for Jake. It’s a pretty funny name I’ll admit, but it suits the west coast vibe. It’s always raining here so when the weather is nice we all come out and shine. 

Lynden Chartrand. Photo by Brayden Rastad

What motivated you to get a full-length video project going? Based on the promo it seems like there’s no shortage of amazing riders around you to document. Was that a factor? 

At a certain point after stacking footage with the homies to make a mixtape-style web video, I kinda just thought I’d start filming full-time. For work, I just ride around downtown delivering food for Uber Eats & Doordash so I’m always finding new spots to ride. Like, my job is literally just riding street! Downtown Vancouver is an ever-changing environment with all the construction/destruction, uncapping, crusty alley spots,  bike rack jams, and temporary construction set-ups. It’s just begging to be documented. Like most riders here in Vancouver, I’m just a transplant who’s happy to be riding in the streets and filming anybody who wants to ride with me. I’m pretty easy going and I just want to showcase all the raw talent from as many riders as I can cuz there’s a shitload out here! 

Matt Perrin, John Taylor, Andrew Dexter, Spencer McFarlane. Photo by Brandon Sawchyn

Where have you been filming for this? Did you get a chance to do any little trips or is it mainly local spots? 

We’ve been going all over Vancouver and the surrounding areas like Port Coquitlam, Richmond, Burnaby, New West, North/West Van, and a handful of Victoria trips! I’m trying to showcase all the little scenes and crews that ride in different areas. My homie Alex Jo and I did a trip to Calgary for 9 days with a quick one-nighter in Edmonton for an INDAH Street jam with the 403 crew. That crew is really fun to chill with and it’s pretty non-stop between Birken, Connor, Jake, Kaiman, and Austin when they’re all riding together. Good mix of new and old styles I’d say. They all went IN and filmed a whole part in a week. I was pretty hyped to wrap their part up and I had a little premiere to show them their part that will be in the full length. I also managed to sneak a trip back home to Manitoba with my girl Tessa back in summer 2021. I got to show her around my hometown of Morden to see the fam and we did a quick two-day stay in Winnipeg! ‘Twas a good time being home and big shouts to the homies Brandon Sawchyn and Damian Settee for the hospitality. The only clip I ended up getting in Winnipeg was the tire ride gap squeeze pegs into a ditch that I’d dreamt of pulling since I lived there. I was very happy to land that on the last night in town with my brother Noah, my WPG homies Shawn and Max on the film cam, and my girlfriend Tessa getting both angles. She actually filmed a few clips in my part that I’m really hyped on. You’re the best Tess!

Matt Perrin. Photo by Taylor Stos

I like that you chose to go the SD route for this. I feel it suits scene videos super well. It’s really a labour of love though with all the potential glitching issues and having to log all the footage. Did you run into any gear issues/lost clips during the filming process?

Yeah, I’m such a sucker for SD. All those grainy ass colours and lens glares just look so good! I think it’s just one of those things I wanted to check off the list before I make the move to something higher def. I got a small Panasonic dad cam from the thrift store that I import all the clips into. That works pretty well. As far as malfunctions go, I’ve experienced my fair share but only had a few clips glitch while importing. Then I just went back and tried again and somehow they always worked! I managed to buy Andrew Gobbo’s old DVX off him when my first one started to deteriorate. The DVX I first got from D-MO is hella trashed right now. The fisheye is gorilla glued onto the adaptor spacer and the screen is smashed so I just keep it closed. I also had to glue the mic back on after Cole Narcisse did a feeble 360 into it  But she still runs and works fine. Panasonic cameras are built to take the hit.

Matt Perrin. Photo by Amos Franke

Have you been the main filmer/editor for this whole project? Or are you sharing those responsibilities with anyone else? And when it’s your turn to be in front of the lens, do you have specific dudes that you ask to hold the camera?

For the filming and editing, yes, it’s all me. When I’m filming riders I’ve definitely got a style I like to try and stick to for consistency throughout the video. When it’s my turn in front I usually just pick whoever is at the spot with me and has some training filming but it can be hard. Sometimes I’m out filming someone a bit younger who may not have ever held or used a DVX before. I’ll try and tell them exactly how I want the trick to be filmed and it usually works out. Ky, Rez Ron, Shelby, Drew, Sebastion and Jordan Siudy are all pretty well experienced and are super gangster with the angles. Thanks, players! 

Alex Jo. Photo by Brandon Sawchyn

How are you feeling about your section overall? Did you get a chance to scratch off some tricks or set-ups that you’ve had in mind for a while? 

I’m really happy with it man. It’s probably my favourite personal section. I keep trying to top each part I go in for. I just try and progress and get more confident on how I approach stuff. If I see something new that I’ve never before and I’m with a crew, I’m usually pretty pumped to bang it out right there. That’s how most of my part went I think. If there’s something I really want to get that’s scary or we gotta travel far to get, it can really fuck with me sometimes. Sometimes I’ll run up to it 1000 times before I actually try it, especially the short run-up stuff. That shit is terrifying to me. Hahaha! I just wanted to complete a part with as many grinds and set-up stuff that I like doing along with some dusters and x-up stuff. The rail to bar ting at night took like 100 tries cuz the rail was so bent and wobbly already. Every time I jumped on, I had no idea how it would send me. Shouts to that crew that night in PoCo for lights and support in the middle of January! 

What can we expect in terms of layout for the vid? Is it a classic full-length with a bunch of sections or more of a mixtape kind of thing?

Both. It started as a mixtape but more full parts began emerging as everyone continued to film with me. Right now you can expect full parts from myself, Lynden, Ky, Jake Mallichan, Alex Jo, Kyle White, Chad Ferch, Drew Morton, Spencer Macfarlane, Sebastion Gange, James Dean, and Colin Thiessen. There’s some split parts from Jordan Siudy/Jay Park and Tristan Sweet/Shelby Hare. There’s also crew parts from the Atlantis Vancouver dudes, PoCo homies, and the 403 Crew in Calgary. I’m trying to give the video an Animal/ALYK vibe. Those were my favourite style videos I grew up watching.

Ky Brisebois. Photo by Brandon Sawchyn

I was reading through the crazy list of riders who have footage and I don’t know if this is a possible question to answer, but do you have any favourite sections? Or maybe some parts that you’re particularly stoked on? 

Yeah, we got a deeeeeeep bag of riders. There are 64 people!  I’ll try not to give too much away but I’m super psyched on Lynden Chartrand’s (@lyndenchartrand) part man. That dude went SO hard every time we went out. Like he just sees the craziest stuff so fast and can fire it out like it’s nothing. There were a few times we went out where he had one or two things in mind, but for the most part we just mobbed around and found crazy shit at random. REZ 4 PREZ. He tore his meniscus and ACL while trying to get a clip on this sick hub rail ledge set-up back in March of 2021. He already had more clips than anyone at the time though so we were both pretty happy with his part. Heal up my dude, get that surgery! 

We also got a bunch of sick footage from Kyle White (@kylewhite17psi) and Chad Ferch (@chadferch). Those two finally moved to Vancouver after living in Victoria for a while. When they get out together they each stack like 20 clips between DVX and iPhone stuff. Kyle keeps it nice and juicy with all the tech jibs, peg chinks, switchfoot, and ledge stuff while Chad gets it banged out on the big man set-ups. Chad’s been murdering it this year and has been filming stuff non-stop with Jordan Siudy. I’ve been lucky enough to peep some of his footage for his upcoming welcome to United video part he’s been working on and maaaaaaaan that shit is gas boy! He’s got a great attitude for BMX and I really enjoy filming with him.

My roomie Alex Jo has the most security dodge/kick-out redemption clips of the video! A bunch of his clips are him squeezing around security guards to land the trick and it’s so dope! His balance game is also super dialed. He can ride spots backwards better than most can ride forwards. He’s been keeping it pretty jibby lately after a couple of pretty wild crashes this year, but the dude can secretly roast a bowl and do all the tech ledge tricks at the park. Jungle brother Jo the ATV.

Aside from all the riders with full sections, there are quite a few crew section parts I’m hyped to showcase. First off the bat, I’ve been lucky enough to catch a handful of sessions with the OG Atlantis Vancouver crew like Hango, Brad Hill, Cadot, Teet, Schubert, and Riley Abramyk. Y’all already know they get it done at every spot they hit! 

The 403 Crew part is banging too and I’m super thankful that Jacob Gaunt let me stay with him in downtown Cow Town. It was my first time going to Calgary as a BMXer and not as a tourist. That city is full of wild spots! Also, Millennium skatepark is the best after-hours nightclub ever. I guess since COVID shut everything down, everyone downtown likes to party at Mills on the weekend! 

Last but not least is Ky Brisebois. Nobody really does it like him man. He’s in his own realm with riding: super gnarly, creative, full of confidence, and utilizing everything around him to its full potential. He can do every trick regular or switch foot and his bar-ting abilities are unmatched… Hence the bar ting part!  He is probably the most underrated underground rider in Canada in my opinion. The man’s got all his tricks on lock and just simply riding down the street to the vendor could be the most entertaining thing to witness in person. He just does stuff without warning on the fly and it’s the most freestyle shit ever! The dude straight up ate some bar ends!

Matt Perrin and Ky Brisebois. Photo by Brandon Sawchyn

Well, I think that’s it dude. Thanks again for doing this! When should we expect to see the full video drop? And is there anything you’d like to add or mention before we wrap this up? 

The digital download drops on April 10, 2022 on! We are having a street jam here in Vancouver on April 2 that will end at the video premiere, then the same thing a week later on April 9 in Victoria! Both Jams are on Saturdays, but if the weather is bad we can push it to Sundays. Hope to see some of you there! Follow @westridedistro for more details and updates. Pull up and COME SHINE!