It’s with heavy hearts that we announce today the end of an era, our last post at Northern Embassy. It’s hard to believe we’ve already existed for more than 6 years now, Northern Embassy was created to showcase Canadian BMX talent and give scenes a place to share their work.

In our hey day, we were banging out original content every couple of weeks. with less contributors now that has changed. We have believed in doing things right or not doing it at all since day 1, which is why it’s time for us to call it a day.

At the time which NE was created, we felt no other media outlets were truly giving Canadian BMX the proper attention it deserves. Which was the main reason for it’s creation to begin with. Today we feel that DIG and Ride have really stepped up their Canadian coverage over the last couple of years.

Throughout the hundreds of edits (215 videos on our Vimeo channel , interviews, colabs, contests, clothing runs and even a trip to Barcelona, it has truly been a wonderful ride. BMX in Canada is at an all time high with more riders than ever, more spots than ever. Please expand your horizons beyond instagram, support your scene and continue to make Canadian BMX the best anywhere.
A huge thanks to Prashant Gopal, Aaron Gates, Zach Rampen, and Cory Beal who truly made this place happen from day one.  As well as anyone else who ever contributed to the site, anyone who helped us with any contest,or  anyone who let us film them or interview them over the years. A big thanks to our sponsors for truly believing that we had nothing but the best intentions from day one. Most importantly thanks to Canadian BMX for being the best and letting us show that for years.

Jeremy Deme