09 Feb Top 5’s – Brad Blouin
Verdun’s Brad Blouin has only been riding for a couple years now but you’d never know it. Riding mostly with another MTL street shredder (Justin Hughes), Brad is known mostly for his burly style, he has a big bag of rail maneuvers, which you can see in person on any given Taz sesh. Unfortunately Brad is off his whip for a bit, recovering from a recent injury on an Imported trip to Joyride but you know Brad (aka Paper Bitch) will be back on his whip right in time for spring.
Here’s a quick Top 5 we did with him while he’s healing up.
1. Obviously BMX biking
2. The hot weather
3. The good vibes
4. the ladies of course
5. Its gotta be filming and just chilling around with the homies
There’s not to much I like about this weather but I’ll give it try
1. Snowboarding
2. get a good session at the indoor park
3. Playing Ice hockey with J.hammer
Top 5 songs on the iphone or ipod at the moment
1. Your hoe will get slayed – katour phamous
2. B.O.N – King louie
3. In love with canada – King louie
4. Out that jam – Billionaire black
5. War – Chief keef
Top 5 movies:
1. American history X
2. Step brothers
3. Harry potter (the 8 movies)
4. Avatar
5. The heat
1. The Women!!
2. We got some Dope street spots
3. The Liquor & Loud
4. We got dope transportation
5. All the bars and clubs are bumbing!! (Tbh theres not alot of good things here)
Top 5 spots your willing to expose:
1. A frame ledge
2. The curve rail Down the street From Mr.hughes house
3. 5th Ave Flat ledge
4. Charlevoix Rails
5. Toshiba flyout
Top 5 riders:
1. Chad Kerley
2. Alex Kennedy
3. Dillon Lloyd
4. Sean Ricany
5. Dennis Enarson
Top 5 reasons to ride shirtless:
1. Everyone thinks its funny and to be honest it gets me pumped
2. That breeze I feel under my arms after I take my shirt off pumps me up so bad Ill send any trick down
3. The Ladies love when I take my shirt off
4. I get to flex!