Matt Perrin: Winnipeg to Montreal

Matt Perrin: Winnipeg to Montreal

Earlier this year in the spring Matt Perrin took a ride on a Greyhound bus from Winnipeg to Montreal. Anyone who has ever ridden the bus any distance in this country knows it’s not an easy ride, let alone for 1.5 days of constant travel. To coincide with this new edit (filmed in Winnipeg, Montreal, Brandon, and Kenora) we asked Matt a few questions about both cities, and the good and the bad of traveling across country by bus. Check that out below.

Favorite things about Winnipeg:
Casual public drinking with my friends
Riding fixes
Working at Royal sports.

Favorite things about Montreal:
Olympic stadium
Schwartz’s Montreal-style smoked meat
Le Taz

Reasons to travel by bus:
Reeeally cheap
Get to see our beautiful country
Meet interesting characters along the way

Reasons not to travel by bus:
Takes for FOREVER to go places
Not enough leg room for the tall folk
Having to move your legs every 15 minutes for a guy to go to the washroom to do blow. True story.
