Niagara to Austin By Brad Hill

Niagara to Austin By Brad Hill

1 skyline

Brad Hill recently took a trip down to Austin, TX with Jordan Krupa and Chris Cadot to do what every BMX rider in Canada does or wishes they could do in the winter, go somewhere warmer. He shot a bunch of photos on assorted cameras and sent through a recap of their trip. Read what he had to say about the Lone Star state and check out his photos below.

14 days in Austin, TX. The land of guns and big tittied blondes. Nah, actually our experience wasn’t like that at all, although we did see a couple seedy girls in the airport and dodged getting involved in a prostitution ring in this bar called Barbs on their gay night. We actually found ourselves in the city of Austin which felt like it had no retiring community and was just flooded with young people and barely touched spots. Even with the skyline the city has, Austin is actually built out and not up. It covers 770 square kilometers giving plenty of land to roam. I mean we’ve all seen tons of Texas spots in videos, but it’s kind of hard to really comprehend how much shit there is to ride there until you see it for yourself. I think the leeway of having 14 days there also gave us enough time to appreciate it and just enough time to miss home as well. Here’s some of the photos from the trip that haven’t been on the internet yet.
– Brad Hill

2.1 Charlie

2.2 Charlies house

Charlie Crumlish put three stinky loud drunk idiots up for 14 days in his small one bedroom apartment. We can’t thank you enough for putting up with our shit Chuck. We took the first day to build our bikes and pound coffee.

3 Flying cat

This kitten’s got claws. Chris “The Captain” Cadot takes flight.

4 Devan

Devon Lampman was the man when it came to helping out some visitors. Dude was nice enough to drive us around, show us his spots, film and take us to the airport on our way out. Gotta send a big thanks to this guy too.

5 Group and Devan fakie wallride

We found ourselves “lampin’” a lot too as we weren’t so stressed about time over the course of a 14 day trip. We would have little pow-wow sessions every once in a while and Clint was never absent for any of those. We’d often get right to riding right after too and Devon got this fakie wallride in between the windows.

6 Krupa over smith

Jordan Krupa put on for this trip too and managed to stack a couple clips for an upcoming edit and his FU6 part. Keep your eye out for both of those.

7.1 Diana sequence

We came up on a small Diana cam courtesy of Charlie’s girlfriend Cass. So we pushed a roll through it. Here’s some of the results from the thing, and the below photo is of Krup firing out a bar on what was probably the hottest day down there. (Note: background flexin’)

7.2 Krupa bar Diana

8 9th street

Went and saw 9th street. Can’t stress “saw” enough. No fucking way I was getting through them.

9 Devon big three

Although Devon looks like he might eat it here, he pulled this perfectly clean. First one to 3 down this brand new set downtown.

10 Cadot 180

Cadot got this 180 as Charlie stacked the clip for the satanic FU6.

11 Cadot footjam whip better

Here’s The Captain laying down a footjam whip on a ditch that’s…. a lot harder to ride than it looks.

12 Texas ditch

Here’s another view of the ditch. And although not all the ditches came with a nice little quarter in them, a lot of the ditches in Austin looked like this: an overgrown mess. But they definitely all had their own character.

13 K-man out 2

I don’t know who this guy is or why he was passed out with his bike, but I’d be willing to bet he had a long night at the gay bar.

14 Austin Skyline

And here’s one last cliche skyline photo for y’all.