Mike Fiz’s Audio Popoff – Night Drive

Mike Fiz’s Audio Popoff – Night Drive

With daylight saving time ending tonight, what better time to launch Mike Fiz’s night drive mix. We all have a few months of darkness ahead of us, so why not have Mike’s night drive mix blasting to keep us awake. Check out a track list after the jump.

Embassy Night Drive Mix:

The title of this mix has a lot of different meanings to it. One can directly get some sort of idea from the opening track, which is taken from the movie “Drive”. I guess Drive can be in part responsible for this collection of tracks, because the feeling of that movie is sort of mesmerizing, in the sense that throughout the movie a lot of emphasis is put on the mood/feel of things. This gets me to what exactly inspired me to make this mix. In early August, my girlfriend and I took a trip to new York. As usual, we took the night bus and slept through the trip. I can usually sleep from the Canadian boarder to Albany, then Albany to just about hitting the turnpike leading to the Lincoln Tunnel. I always sit on the left side of the bus, just so I can get a glimpse of the Manhattan skyline as the sun rises. Maybe it’s just me but I am always amazed, falling asleep in one of the most depressing towns in New York state, where there is always some sort of fog, and then waking up to see the skyline to what was once the world’s biggest city.

New York is a pretty crazy city. Everyone who’s been knows how crazy it can get, yet when you get there at 5 in the morning, yes… there is still quite a bit of people wandering around, but the city is almost empty. It’s almost like you’re walking around in a forest of concrete. Anyways I’ll get back to the point. This time around I was unable to get a night sleep, so this mix is directly influenced by that night drive. Going in and out of the Appalachian Mountains, in and out of fog, one second we could barely see a foot in front of us then the other the moon was just staring at you, like it was there to give you company. All in all it was a pretty epic drive, that combined with me listening to Shlohmo’s BBC mix on loop is what brought me into putting this together.

I hope you enjoy as much as I enjoyed that drive

(note: both covers are taken from the disposable camera we had on hand that week)

– Mike