Mike Fiz’ Expocycle Disposable

Mike Fiz’ Expocycle Disposable

“Last weekend was a very important weekend in Toronto. Spotlights were out and the media was present to record the every move of whatever celebrities were in town. I mean there was some big names walking around the GTA! Now that I know I probably have your attention, and you think I’ll have the inside scoop on who’s dating who and what not, but no. I’m not talking about the Toronto Film Festival….. I’m talking about Expocycle. I mean the USA has Interbike, where a bunch of dudes get drunk and talk business in the middle of the desert. But in Canada we have Expocycle, where industry dudes talk business and get drunk. But I mean it’s in Montreal, right! Sorry bud, this year it was in Toronto. Sounds like a bunch of can’t handlers to me! Anyways lets cut to the chase, while Will Smith and Snoop Doggy Lion (whatever he calls himself) were roaming the streets being followed by swarms of paparazzi, I had my 27 shot disposable camera documenting what was to become Dillon Lloyd’s school of John Doe Heavy Hitting weekend!
Here are some of these snaps!”
Mike Fiz

Yo Sick! : Prashant is a very busy man, in between, his full time job at Ten Pack/MacNeil, he is one of the creative heads behind most of Canada’s interesting projects; such as Yo Sick!, Union Press, and this very site. When he is not hard at work on these, him and his roomates have enough time to be awesome hosts and let people crash in their Bad Boys’ Club!

Waffle Wonder: I don’t have alot to say about this besides that #1 it’s close to Bad Boys’ Club, #2 it was really good and #3 there was A LOT of bees surrounding me while I ate it!

Twins: Leland is one of the boys at Bad Boys’ Club. One night Leland decided to trade in the backcountry look to a semi clean cut style so that the Toronto ladies would fall to his feet!

Ghost Dino: Apparently Dillon saw ghosts at night when he would go to bed. The Bad Boys’ club is actually an old dominatrix space, which might explain a lot of those sightings. At least the boys put up this very rare dinosaur skull to scare the spirits away!

 Nosejam Dewey: mandatory BMX picture

Jammin Harley: Saturday night marked two events, first was that Harley Haskett and his band Meanwood were set to play in front of a hometown crowd

Couple John Doe’s: Second was that it was the count down to Jeremy Deme’s 30th birthday!! John Doe’s from all over Canada took the dancefloor by storm!!

#noonegetslaid: Hashtags were thrown around Twitter all weekend but this one pretty much sums it up. #noonegetslaid when these pictures are taken (take note that bobtube is the only one that is self-conscious and is trying to be invisible).

Beer O’clock: Ian Morris of United fame was in town and as a true English gent, he made sure that when beer o’clock swung by everybody would have a drink!

Heavy Hitter: If you don’t know who Dillon Lloyd is by now, get ready for the storm because when he isn’t barspinning the biggest railhops or halfcab 540 tailwhipping on flatground he goes hard at night! Tequila, Heineken, Pas l’temps d’niaser!

Chilko Strength: JJ was in town this weekend, and when he wasn’t selling bikes for 64, or repping Superstar BMX, he was trying to get out of trouble with the lady and keep his phone out of the hands of Ian. Here he is showing off the goods!

Bike show enthusiasm: So there you have it, the face everyone has at the end of the weekend. It’s weird, I did not really take any pics at the bike show. Ah well maybe next year.

Bad Boys’ Club: Here is Dillon accompanied by Patrick, Leland and Prashant aka the Bad Boys’ Club!!! Thanks for the stay guys!!