Union Press: Issue One

Union Press: Issue One

Union Press is a collaborative project that has been in the works for the last few months between Brad Hill from BMXFU and my ongoing zine series Yo Sick. I am glad to finally say that the first issue is complete, back from the printers, and ready to see the light of day. Our aim with this publication was to make a tangible extension of our interests with photos, writing and illustrations, and to highlight some interesting characters in Canadian BMX that we have the pleasure of knowing. You can expect a two page broadsheet printed on newsprint, with fold out posters from OSS and Macneil. Inside you will find work from Brad Hill, myself and a list of contributors that includes Mike Cardin, Riley McMaster, Eric Marshall, and Nashville’s Andrew White

You can find copies of it in the new year at bike shops across Canada that deal with Ten Pack Distribution. If you don’t have a local bike shop we will have it in online stores soon for the price of shipping. You can check out some more photos of the pages after the jump and hopefully get a copy in your hands soon.

Jeff Bedard/Jordan Dwan

Greg Henry

This is what the back of a car with 2000 zines looks like.
