Drew Bezanson Interview

Drew Bezanson Interview

Tuck no hander on Nova Scotia’s Wave. Photo by Ben Kaufmann.

Drew Bezanson is arguably one of the biggest names in BMX in the world right now. From the X Games and Dew Tour to Simpel Session in Estonia, Drew makes stops at every major contest. With a growing list of international sponsors supporting him, this humble Maritimer has quickly become a household name. Amidst his boom in exposure, Drew hasn’t forgotten his Canadian roots. We asked him a number of questions on different topics, and gathered a few questions from other notable riders from the east coast that he grew up amongst, and he sent us back some well thought out and genuine answers. We are stoked to help mark the one year anniversary of Embassy with an interview with Drew Bezanson, so click below to read all that he had to say.

What’s your favourite thing to do when you are back in your hometown, or back in Canada in general?

My favorite thing about being back in my hometown is just spending time with my family and friends.

How did you cope with winters in Nova Scotia? What advice do you have for most Canadian riders stuck in rugged Canadian winters?

For the first few years we would just ride street all year round. We would just find a place with no snow and layer up on clothes. When I was 15 I cleaned out the upstairs of my barn style garage and built a 4ft mini ramp. From that day on my place has been the hot spot in the winters. It’s still a blast. It’s the only indoor place to ride in Nova Scotia so people travel from a 3 hour radius to come shred. There is always the wildest sessions that go down in my garage over the winter.

I remember the first time I saw you ride in person you did a heel clicker over a spine, do you or did you ride dirt bikes? Did you start riding BMX because of dirt biking or vice versa?

Heck yeah! I love that trick. It’s hilarious on a BMX. I actually started racing motocross before I made the transition over to BMX. I still try to ride motocross any chance I get now.

How stoked are you to be filming for your first full video part?

It was definitely an honor! It’s just wild growing up watching video parts over and over and over again and now I have the opportunity to film my own. I look forward to seeing the finished product and filming more hopefully.

What’s been your worst riding injury to date?

My worst injury I’ve ever had is definitely the one I’m just healing up from now. I had 4 points of hemorrhaging on my left frontal lobe of my brain. It hasn’t been fun at all.

Flair on his hometown garage ramp. Photo by James Stewart.

Now for some questions from other Maritimers:

Jeff Evans
Remember that time I got a flat tire at the Commons, you ran to your car and got me rolling again? I got a flat again, any chance you can have Red Bull fly you in to fix this one too?

Haha, I would if I could homie. Just have to share some street spots with me.

Greg Flag
Being as you are always on the road, how often do you get to eat a donair?

Donairs are scarce in my life as of the last few years It sucks but it’s probably better for my insides. I wish the rest of the world knew about the donair.

What’s your favourite street spot in Halifax that isn’t the wave?

Favourite street spot in Halifax that isn’t the wave is still the water front. It’s just rad cruising by the harbor.


Epic story! So I wake up one morning at like 6AM in the morning to reroof my house. When we wake up there is a bunch of camping gear in the backyard with a cardboard sign that said ” Pugwash ” Which is the middle of no where in Nova Scotia. We had no idea what was going on. We though it was so kind of joke. My whole family was stumped. but we just kept going on with our day. I’m up of the roof of my house when I hear ” Do you have a phone ” I pop my head up over the other side of the roof and there is Greg Flag with his head popped up over my roof ha ha. I was so stunned! His friend and him tried to hitch hike to his cottage. They only made it to Truro then ended up walking 3 hours to my house which is 15 minutes outside of Truro in a car and didn’t call to get picked up.

Sam Lowe
You were the one known as the no footed can can kid among the Halifax locals. How old were you when you first started doing them?

Ha ha I learned no footed cans at Cafe Xtreme when I was 11 years old. I still love doing them.

Mad Andy Roode
Haha at like 9 years old, Lil fucker, remember he’d always do tricks n look at us while in the middle of the trick.

Ha ha sorry Rooder I was a little moto kid. I didn’t know any better at that age.

Boosted tobogan. Photo by James Stewart.

Back to our regularly scheduled questions.
What is your favourite thing about all the time you end up spending in the US?

I have numerous things I like about being in the states so much. I love all the good spots they have to ride, meeting new people there and just traveling to different states. It’s fun to explore.

To follow up that, what do you dislike amongst all the time you spend there?

The amount of rude people. In Nova Scotia you rarely ever have to deal with people like that.

Do you think that when the new Commons skatepark was built it had a big effect on your riding? Canada seems to have had alot of new parks built in the last 5 years and it seems like BMX in Canada is growing because of it. Do you feel up to now Canada has been somewhat lacking in skateparks compared to other countries/USA?

I don’t think the new part of the Halifax Commons had much affect on my riding. It definitely has on all the new up and coming riders but it’s still pretty small ramps compared to the US and skateparks out west. There is definitely more and more little parks popping up everywhere now which is rad and the BMX population has definitely grown! It’s rad to see. It’s still no where near the scale of the US and other countries but they are getting there slowly.

Growing up in a small east coast town, the idea of being in the centre of the BMX industry must have seemed light years away. Now that you are in your position, do you ever reflect on what were your goals were early on with riding?

I still can’t believe that I am where I am. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be in this position. Growing up as a kid I just wanted to ride all the time with my friends and nothing ever changed. Every time I go back home it really kicks in.

If BMX hadn’t taken off for you, where do you think you would be and what would you be doing?

If BMX didn’t work out the way it did I’d probably would have taken a trade. I’d still ride everyday but I’ve always love heavy equipment so I would have probably done that. It’s just like being a kid, you just play in the dirt all day just your toys are a little bigger.

What more do you aim to accomplish within BMX?

I just want to keep having fun. I want to film more video parts for sure though. I have my first one coming out in a few months which I’m excited to see the finished product on. Filming a part is really rewarding because it’s hard work but then seeing the finished product it all pays off and then you will always have that part to look back on. That’s what sucks about web videos today, they are so here today, gone tomorrow.

What are your plans years from now when your not riding as much?

When I’m much older and can’t ride as much I definitely want to do something within the BMX industry or involving heavy equipment. I would love to open up my own youth centre or skatepark someday.

Are you into hockey? What’s your favorite team?

I actually don’t have a favorite hockey team or watch it, is that bad since I’m Canadian? lol. I did watch the Olympic game when Canada crushed the US ha ha.

Do you stay mad or stay glad?

Get glad homie, Getting mad doesn’t get you anywhere!

Last words or thanks?

Heck yeah! First off thank you to you guys for doing an interview with me. Also I would like to thank my family, friends and all my sponsors. Red Bull, Toyota, DK Bicycles, FOX, The Shadow Conspiracy, Skull Candy, POC helmets, Ethika, Equalibryum, and Ryder distribution. I can’t thank you guys enough for everything!