Macneil Vegas/Phoenix Mid trip update with Gerg, Dill and Jams

Macneil Vegas/Phoenix Mid trip update with Gerg, Dill and Jams

We hit up Greg Flag, Dillon Lloyd and Jaumell Campbell with some questions for a mid trip update on Vegas/Phoenix. Read on…

Greg Flag

Best thing so far? Pot roast or jacket burnouts

Best drink so far? Backseat beers

Best gambler so far? Dill with Dice Andrew M on roulete

Best food so far? Chipotle

Best spot so far? Vegas Bank to wall

Best thing leLuke did so far? Get mad about being called french Luc

Best thing about Vegas so far? Sleeping like a dead guy and fremont street piano bar!

Dillon Lloyd

Best thing so far? IHOP international house of pot roast

Best drink so far? 4 loko xxx

Best gambler so far? Me for taking all of jaumells money in a game of dice (for breakfast)

Best food so far? pf changs

Best spot so far? A ditch

Best thing leLuke did so far? Got mad

Best thing about Vegas so far? All the lights, buildings and errthang

Jaumell Campbell

Best thing so far? Harrison’s Pot Roast dinner at IHOP

Best drink so far? Backseat MGD on the way to Phoenix

Best gambler so far? Losing in roulette and dice.

Best food so far? Chipotle. I don’t think anything can touch it.

Best spot so far? Left nut smash wall ride. Somewhere in the ghetto.

Best thing leLuke did so far? Leave my hotel room.

Best thing about Vegas so far? There is so much going on at all times. People watching is the best.

Stay mad.

Check back for an end of trip wrap up in the next few days.

All photos taken by Harrison Boyce @Macneil